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How should the components be set up for this environment?
A. Configure a NetScaler cluster. Place the StoreFront servers and Delivery Controllers in the internal network.
B. Configure NetScaler high availability. Place the StoreFront servers and Delivery Controllers in the internal network.
C. Configure a back-up vServer. Place the StoreFront servers and Delivery Controllers in the internal network.
D. Configure GSLB for the StoreFront servers and Delivery Controllers and place them in the internal network.
Answer: A
Why should the each component be located at each datacenter?
A. This design allows for site failover and increases security for remote access.
B. This design reduces component design complexity.
C. This design simplifies administration of components.
D. This design prevents user experience from being affected in the event of a site outage.
Answer: A
Why should the two of each component be located at the London datacenter?
A. Because it allows New York and Hong Kong to fail over to the London datacenter
B. Because it provides secure remote access
C. Because it allows for increased user performance
D. Because it allows for centralized management
Answer: B
Why should two of each component be located at the London datacenter?
A. Because it allows for Inter and Intra site high availability
B. Because it increases security for remote access
C. Because two components at each datacenter allow for increased user performance
D. Because user experience will NOT be affected in the event of a site outage
Answer: A
Why should the two NetScalers be located at the London datacenter?
A. Because it allows New York and Hong Kong to fail over to the London datacenter
B. Because it provides secure remote access
C. Because two components allow for increased user performance
D. Because it allows for centralized management
Answer: A
The company needs to define its management process for desktop image releases. Which tool should the architect recommend for the image management process?
A. Provisioning Services
B. Hypervisor templates and snapshots
C. Windows Deployment Services
D. XenConvert
Answer: A
How should the architect design a release-management scheme that facilitates rollbacks?
A. By enabling vDisk Update Management
B. By using vDisk Versions
C. By using snapshots
D. By using the Windows Automatic Install Kit (WAIK)
Answer: B
How should the architect use hypervisor templates to facilitate image management and rollback?
A. By using the hypervisor API to deploy desktops from templates
B. By using PowerShell to script desktop deployment from templates
C. By using Workflow Studio to deploy desktops from templates
D. By using XenServerStorageLink
Answer: A
How should the architect use Windows Deployment Services to facilitate image management?
A. To deploy a standard base image to virtual desktops
B. To deploy a base image from an XVA file
C. To centralize the volume activation process
D. To install Windows applications into an image
Answer: A
How should the architect use XenConvert to facilitate image management?
A. To convert from a single server image to a hypervisor template
B. To convert from a single server image into a virtual disk in VHD format
C. To perform mass conversion of virtual machines to XenServer virtual machines
D. To perform an unattended conversion of a virtual machine to XenServer
Answer: B
Why does using vDisk Update Management help manage the image release process?
A. Because it automatically upgrades virtual desktops to the latest operating system version
B. Because it provides centralized, automated single image management
C. Because it is compatible with the Microsoft VHD specification
D. Because it automatically deploys the latest target device drivers
Answer: B
Why does using vDisk Versions help manage the image release process?
A. Because it automatically upgrades virtual desktops to the latest operating system version
B. Because it provides centralized, automated single image management with rollback
C. Because it is compatible with the Microsoft VHD specification
D. Because it automatically deploys the latest drivers and patches
Answer: B
Why does using snapshots help manage the image release process?
A. Because they enable rollbacks
B. Because they help manage version control
C. Because they use storage array features to offload host processing
D. Because they automatically deploy the latest drivers and patches
Answer: B
Why does enabling the Windows Automatic Install Kit help manage the image release process?
A. Because it automates the Window domain join process
B. Because it can be configured by DHCP options
C. Because it performs a scripted Windows installation
D. Because it automatically deploys the latest drivers and patches
Answer: C
Why does using hypervisor templates help manage the image release process?
A. Because they automatically upgrade virtual desktops to the latest operating system version
B. Because they provide centralized, automated single image management
C. Because they facilitate consistent deployment of base images
D. Because they can be stored on shared or local storage
Answer: C
Why does using PowerShell help manage the image release process?
A. Because it can script automatic upgrades of the deployment template
B. Because it provides centralized, automated single image management
C. Because it facilitates consistent deployment of base images
D. Because PowerShell scripts can be executed from the same network share as the deployment template
Answer: C
Why does using Workflow Studio help manage the image release process?
A. Because it can script automatic upgrades of the deployment template
B. Because it provides centralized, automated single image management
C. Because it facilitates consistent deployment of base images
D. Because Workflow Studio scripts can be executed from the same network share as the deployment template
Answer: B
Why does using XenServerStorageLink help manage the image release process?
A. Because it enables rollbacks
B. Because it helps manage version control
C. Because it uses storage array features to offload host processing
D. Because it automatically deploys the latest drivers and patches
Answer: C
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